ADDENDUM TO GOVERNMENT RESPONSE: The Child Minding and Day Care (Disqualification) (Wales) Regulations 2022


On 7 November 2022, the Government submitted a response to the draft LJCC report dated 31 October 2022 in respect of the above Regulations.

The response given in relation to Technical Scrutiny point 4 indicated that further feedback would be provided to the committee once further consideration of the issue raised had taken place. The full response given in relation to Technical Scrutiny point 4 is reproduced below for ease of reference:


Technical Scrutiny point 4


The Welsh Government acknowledges the recommendation in favour of standardisation of translation of “gross indecency”.

“Anwedduster garw” has been used as the means of translating “gross indecency” in the 2010 Regulations and is the suggested translation in separate sources which suggests that this translation is both correct and acceptable. However, Welsh Government notes that “anwedduster difrifol” has been used in more recent Regulations in 2019.

We have raised this matter with professional colleagues concerned with legislative translation but in the short space of time between receiving the legal adviser’s report and drafting a response colleagues have not been able to give the matter full consideration. Welsh Government is content to feed back to the committee once consideration has been given and a view reached. 


Relevant colleagues concerned with legislative translation have now had an opportunity to fully consider this issue and concluded in favour of using ‘anwedduster difrifol’ as the standard translation of ‘gross indecency’. The term will be added to the Translation Service online terminology database – TermCymru - as the standard translation of ‘gross indecency’ to ensure consistent use of the term in the future.